Today’s topic is ritualism. In a nutshell ritualism is the skill of borrowing and manipulating the power of gods. Each of the ten prime gods is almost omnipotent, however each of them is specialized in certain elements and different broad concepts such as sun which covers light, heat, fire and so on. For ritualists it is much easier to draw powers from a god under whom the element falls under.
In Mundus RPG most of the rituals are short and can be used in combat. Soldiers usually call these rituals combat rituals and for common people they are simply known as spells. These “combat” rituals range from offensive to defensive and healing rituals and almost all of them can be cast in five seconds or less. Ritualists usually specialize in one or two gods and they are unable to cast rituals that fall under other gods. However some ritualists are able to cast rituals from all five gods from either Acernos or Ascendes.
There are also enchanting rituals which are used to permanently imbue the power of a god to a weapon or some other object. The enchanting process usually takes several hours to complete and the length and difficulty of this process is determined by the amount of power imbued to the item. Enchanting rituals are most commonly used to enhance weapons.
See you next Sunday!