Sunday, 25 November 2012

Ritualism overview


Today’s topic is ritualism. In a nutshell ritualism is the skill of borrowing and manipulating the power of gods. Each of the ten prime gods is almost omnipotent, however each of them is specialized in certain elements and different broad concepts such as sun which covers light, heat, fire and so on. For ritualists it is much easier to draw powers from a god under whom the element falls under.

In Mundus RPG most of the rituals are short and can be used in combat. Soldiers usually call these rituals combat rituals and for common people they are simply known as spells. These “combat” rituals range from offensive to defensive and healing rituals and almost all of them can be cast in five seconds or less. Ritualists usually specialize in one or two gods and they are unable to cast rituals that fall under other gods. However some ritualists are able to cast rituals from all five gods from either Acernos or Ascendes.

There are also enchanting rituals which are used to permanently imbue the power of a god to a weapon or some other object. The enchanting process usually takes several hours to complete and the length and difficulty of this process is determined by the amount of power imbued to the item. Enchanting rituals are most commonly used to enhance weapons.

See you next Sunday!

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Channeling Arts


Today’s topic is Channeling. In Mundus RPG Channeling is one of our main features. Channeling is the art of controlling one’s life force, Genki, in order to enhance one’s body for short durations or to manipulate one’s surroundings with pure energy. Concept of Genki is quite similar to concepts such as Ki, Chi, Chakra etc.

The color and feel of the Genki are individual. The color is usually a shade or mix of the three primary colors. This color is almost never pure white or black and colors such as brown and gray are also very rare. The color of the Genki is inheritable. Color of the child’s Genki is usually mix of her parents Genkis or if one of the parents is a strong channeler or has a very rare colored Genki it usually passes to the child almost unchanged.

Channeling has always been a known art, but on the plane of Mundus it was almost completely lost and forgotten during the Cataclysm. Roughly thousand years ago Lady Ryusaki Ume taught Channeling to the founders of Genkaisha. From there it took hundred years or so for Channeling to spread across Tentaika. Considerably later Channeling also spread to Aleria, however it has never truly seen wider use there.


Self-Channeling is used to channel Genki inside the body to enhance it. Self-Channeling can make its user faster, stronger and more agile. For example an adept of Self-Channeling can leap over a wall or momentarily gain the strength of a dragon. Like all channeling arts, Self-Channeling exhausts its user quickly. Self-Channeling is known for its very specialized Channeling techniques. One of these techniques also gave birth to Hybrid techniques.

Outwards Channeling

The art of Outwards Channeling pushes the Genki out of its user’s body. The basic uses for Outwards Channeling are accelerated healing and restoration and inflicting energy based damage. These basic uses are easier to master than the basics of Self-Channeling, however Outwards Channeling has extremely difficult advanced techniques.

See you next Sunday!

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Astral Planes

Astral Planes

Today we will shortly introduce the two other planes in Mundus RPG. Previously we have been talking about the human inhabited plane of Mundus from which this game takes its name from. Now we will scratch the surface of the two astral planes governed by gods.

Where Mundus does not have gods that directly influence the plane both other planes do. However people on Mundus worship gods from both of the other two planes. This is because people can harness the power of gods with ritualism and some gods indirectly influence Mundus through their servants.


Ascendes, the astral plane with two suns and no moon is governed by Matinia goddess of Birth, Libera goddess of Freedom, Amicia goddess of Concord, Luca god of Sun and Cael god of Sky. Due to the two suns Ascendes is a very warm and bright plane.

Native people of both planes governed by gods are called demigods due to their unnaturally long lifespan when compared to humans. Demigods of Ascendes are dark or black skinned and tall people with eyes color of their life force which is a natural characteristic for demigods. Their culture bears resemblance to Roman and Greek cultures and their native tongue, Lingua Domini, closely resembles Latin and it is considered the language of gods. Domini is also used in Mundus and Acernos as a language of scholars and ritualists.

On Ascendes civilization is centered around huge cities with few million people living in each city. This is made possible by advanced sewerage and healthcare systems. To produce enough food to support such large cities slavery is common throughout Ascendes and most of the flat landscape around the cities is farmed.


The dark, sunless plane of Acernos is ruled by Inmicus god of War, Terra goddess of Earth, Agura god of Water, Lumia goddess of Moon and Morte god of Death. Acernos is much darker and colder when compared to Mundus and Ascendes due to the lack of sunlight. However, the smaller of the two moons, Lumi illuminates the Acernos with the help of bright stars and grand auroras.

Demigods of Acernos are tall and pale people with dark or white hair. They have a clan based culture which bears some similarities to imperial Chinese culture, most notable being their native tongue, architecture and customs. Due to their clan culture Acernos only has few larger cites which compete in size with the large cities of Ascendes even though both planes have similar technology available.

See you next Sunday!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Aleria and Seigrike

Aleria and Seigrike

Today we will give you a short introduction to the other two countries on the plane of Mundus. These countries are Aleria and Seigrike. Both of these countries are located north of Tentaika. Aleria shares a border with Tentaika and the more distant Seigrike is located far north at the Arctic Circle.

Aleria bears strong resemblance to medieval European countries and their native tongue closely resembles German. However the Alerian court and high nobility draws some of its inspiration from the early Renaissance. This mostly affects clothing, art and architecture. Alerian people are very clearly divided into poor commoners and wealthy nobles and merchants. Unlike in Tentaika, Aleria has no public healthcare and the poor are oppressed by the wealthy castes and plague is a common blight among Alerian peasants. Tentaika trades with Aleria, but Tentaikan people are xenophobic towards Alerian people and these two countries are in a continuous cold war and border strifes are common.

Seig are the cursed inhabitants of the icy Rim Oyer. Seigrike draws its inspiration from Norwegian Vikings and Nordic tales. Because of their curse Seig must die in battle or their corpse is reanimated as a nearly immortal Draugr. Due to this fact, Seigs commonly raid shores of the northern Aleria. Seigrike and Aleria are basically in a constant war, but the icy sea between the two countries negates the possibility of open war. Seigs and Tentaikans rarely meet due to the distance between the two countries and when they meet Tentaikans usually see Seigs as large and hairy Alerians.

See you next Sunday!