Daisen Prefecture
Open plains
reach from the eastern Uchijiro gulf shores all the way to the Raiden Yama
which bottlenecks the plains before the border city of Hyūga. The plains are
heavily farmed on both sides of Raiden Yama and the soil around Hyūga is
fertile on both sides of the Shokotsu River and many villages reside in that area. Hyūga
is a castle city which has grown from a mere border watch village into a lively
city and it is located in the far eastern Tentaika. The city has grown somewhat
isolated from rest of the country.
City of
Daisen is rich and large city which thrives as a major trade hub for the western
Tentaikan merchants. Daisen is built on eroded cluster of cliffs by the coast.
This natural defense has somewhat reduced the growth of the city which has
expanded on other cliffs near its original location. This has given Daisen a
unique form which no other city in Tentaika has.
Okano Clan
Virtues of
bushido guide the hands of Okano clan and none of the other warrior clans
dedicate their life to bushido as Okano does. The clan is also the closest
supporter of current ruling Shogun clan. Samurai of Okano are very proud of
their old traditions and they often despise samurai from other clans as they
are more slack and forgiving when it comes to seven dogmas of bushido.
Whereas other warrior clans are giving up the idea of cavalry and heavy ō-yoroi
wearing samurai, the Okano clan has kept up the tradition. The large open
fields of Daisen prefecture are the main reason for use of cavalry and the fact
that almost all of Daisen prefecture’s samurai use full ō-yoroi is due to the Okano
clan’s habit of always being ready for open war.
neighbor clans are Kawachi and Kido. Okano has sworn rivalry against Kawachi,
which they believe to have gained too much responsibility and power from the Shogun.
Samurai of Okano remind Kawachi clan about this with constant duel requests and
sometimes the clans have small scale conflicts on their border regions. Okano’s
southern neighbor Kido clan is a mundane clan in eyes of regular samurai, but
feared in the eyes of Okano clan’s leaders.
See you next Sunday!