Sunday, 26 May 2013


Goddess of Moon

The sunless plane of Acernos is the home of the goddess of Moon, Lumia. Just like Luca is responsible of creating the sun, Lumia has created the moon on Mundus and the two moons of Acernos. The smaller of the two moons, Lumi, acts as a “pseudo-sun”. It is not nearly as bright as a real sun but it still emits enough light to illuminate the plane of Acernos. Besides its enormous size the second moon of Acernos is just an ordinary moon.

Lumia is portrayed as a very beautiful, tall and thin woman with black hair and pale or silverish skin. She only shows her physical form to her ladies and small groups of people whom she deems worthy of such honor. Lumia sees herself as a neutral arbiter on her own plane. Her mysterious personality and unpredictable actions combined to her somewhat unique logic make her hard to predict.

Her sub goddesses represent Night, Shadows and Illusions. In addition to the fact that all of Lumia’s sub gods are female, she only accepts women as her Lords or in this case as Ladies. As one would guess, Lumia and her sub goddesses are often worshiped by assassins and thieves, but in Tentaika she is widely worshiped across all castes as a Moon deity. Lumia also sends her servants to Mundus to hunt down rogue demigods which are too powerful for locals to handle. Lumia is one of the few gods who actively influence Mundus. Next week we will talk about the tenth prime god, the god of death, and his servants who are most common demigods on Mundus.

See you next Sunday!

Sunday, 19 May 2013


God of Sky

Cael is the god of Sky and he is one of the five prime gods of Ascendes. As a god Cael is pretty close to Terra in the sense that both of them represent a larger aspect that does not require constant attention. Just like Terra, Cael is also widely worshipped amongst common people due to his mundane aspects as a deity. This is because Cael is seen as the god of weather.

Cael is the only god that has never taken a physical form in front of a mortal being and no one really knows why. Because of this some scholars question Cael’s existence. Despite of these accusations Cael is like any god, he has his dominion, servants and so on. Regardless of Cael’s true form artists are creating paintings and sculptures of him. Cael is a calm and somewhat indifferent god.

Cael’s sub gods represent Wind, Thunder and Rain. Because of Cael’s passivity his sub gods take more responsibility. They also take care most of the communication with mortals and lords.

See you next Sunday!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


After our ten prime gods, we are start talking about demons.
Here's a sneak peek to one of the most common demons around, Gaki.

Sunday, 12 May 2013


God of Water

Agura is the god of Water. He is one of the five prime gods of Acernos. Much like Terra, Agura is a very passive god. Acernos is by default much colder plane compared to Ascendes and Mundus. However, with the help of Lumia and Terra, Agura keeps the plane warmer. As deity of water and winter, Agura can control the warm ocean currents and soothe the stark winters of northern and southern Acernos.

Agura is often portrayed as a tall and lean man with white long hair wearing robe like clothing. He rarely assumes his physical body and seldom displays any emotions when interacting with his demigod servants. Agura has cold and calculating personality.

His sub gods represent depths, winter and sea. Seigs worship Agura and his sub gods only to second to their own “goddess”. Main reason to this is that Seigs are seafaring people of northern seas.

See you next Sunday!

Sunday, 5 May 2013


God of Sun

Luca, the god of Sun is one of the five prime gods of Ascendes. As the sun deity Luca has created the sun of Mundus and the two suns of Ascendes. Even though Luca has created all three suns they no more need his constant attention. Thus Luca is one of the gods that have no actual jobs, instead he represents the sun, fire, light, heat and order.

Luca is often portrayed as a dark skinned, bald, tall and muscular man. He usually wears a loincloth and plate greaves and bracers. Most often Luca is portrayed to wield a spear. Luca’s personality is close to Inmicus’ personality. However Luca is not seen as hot-headed as Inmicus but he is far more proud than Inmicus. Luca likes to take physical form in front of his subjects. Luca’s appearances are often very pretentious as likes to use sun shafts and other light and fire related tricks to impress his spectators.

Luca’s sub gods are Ignis, goddess of Fire; Praseus, god of Order and Lucia, goddess of Light. Praseus represents absolute law. He and his followers try to achieve a totalitarian utopia. Praseus’ followers are often fanatic and they try to influence people on Mundus. This is easily seen in Aleria where Praseus has multiple knightly orders.

See you next Sunday!