Sunday 16 December 2012


Mikan Prefecture

Mikan Prefecture

Mikan prefecture is governed by Onishi Clan. Southern parts of prefecture produce a lot of rice, fruits and meat from its fertile slopes and valleys. Prefecture is also known for its excessive mining. Shirokō and Genkaisha steel are plenty in mountains. Mountains are also the home of widely spread Yukisaru monkeys and many creatures such as Inugami and Baku.

The prefecture is divided to southern temperate broadleaf forest region, mountain region which spans from the center towards western border and northern swamplands region. Kurokawa River runs across the Mikan prefecture border and its banks are filled with farms and villages. City of Mikan, which is built next to Kurokawa River, is home of Onishi Clan.

Another two large cities are Shibushi and Dorodani. City of Shibushi was founded by Onishi Clan as an outpost in northern mountains to protect Mikan prefecture from dangers of Kuro no Mori. Shibushi was originally only a fortress with small community of farmers but after discovery of large gold and Genkaisha steel deposit from the nearby mountains, the small town started to grow. Castle city of Dorodani was built in wake of demon incursions from Kuro no Mori few hundred years ago. Along with Mikan, Shibushi and Ōyodo they form strong line of castles which ward the densely populated south.

Onishi Clan

Onishi Clan has long history as former society of warrior monks. Onishi Clan honors their past and standard Onishi Clan garb resembles the warrior monk outfit. Clan has great knowledge of channeling arts and martial arts and they are very secretive about their teachings. Great punishment falls to those bushi who are caught to teach their clan’s secrets to outsiders.

Onishi Clan is obliged to defend the Northwest side of Kuro no Mori against demons and outlaws which terrorize the north. Onishi Clan has little obligations outside their guard duty in north. The clans Pursuits towards human mental and physical perfection are cornerstones of Onishi philosophy. Martial arts and meditation are important expertise among Onishi Clan. Clan samurai constantly test their strength in duels. Independence and vigor are virtues among the Onishi. Clan has always had mixed loyalty towards Shogun. Onishi values their own tradition and autonomy over the ruling Clan.

See you next year!

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